Why EMCO Remote Installer

Simplify software distribution across entire organization. Audit deployed applications and deploy software remotely through a local network.

Simultaneous Deployment on Remote PCs

Speed up software distribution across your organization. EMCO Remote Installer allows you to deploy software remotely on specified target machines. The software is deployed simultaneously on remote machines to reduce overall distribution time. Deployment demo

Comprehensive Software Audit

Retrieve detailed software inventory information from remote machines. This information can be used for auditing software across entire organization and for filtering software deployment targets. The program can skip deployment on a target machine if the software is already installed. Software audit demo

Deploy on Demand and on Schedule

You can initiate a remote deployment operation manually or schedule it for automatic execution at the specified date/time. Recurrent operations are also supported.

Agentless Operation

The program doesn't required you to install any agent modules manually on remote machines. You only need to have administrative permissions on remote machines to deploy software on these machines.

Application overview

Software Deployment/Audit Scenarios

Distribute a software easily across your organization using EMCO Remote Installer. You can use different deployment scenarios depending on your goals.

Deploy Software on Demand

The program allows you to deploy a software available as EXE installation, MSI package or MSP patch to selected target machines. Specify the installation file, configure silent deployment options to enable automatic deployment and select target machines where it should be deployment. Start deployment when you need by pressing a button in the program.

Deployment demo

Deploy to Dynamic Targets

You can deploy a software on a dynamic group of target machines. For example, machines belong to a specific organizational unit, or machines that don't have a specific version of the deployed software. Configure a query in the program to specify conditions the target machines should meet and use this query to select deployment targets.

Dynamic targets demo

Deploy Software on Schedule

Do you need to deploy software at evening where machines aren't in use? Schedule a deployment operation for automatic execution at the specified date/time. The program supports advanced scheduling options, so you can repeat the operation on the regular basis. When the scheduled operation is finished you can see the results to make sure that deployment finished successfully.

Learn about scheduler

Multi-Step Deployment

If you need to deploy multiple applications, you can configure a multi-step deployment, so all applications will be installed by a single deployment operation. The program allows you to mix the installations of the different types, so they are deployed one-by-one on each target machine. If some software requires a reboot, the reboot is postponed till the end of deployment.

Deployment explained

Repeat Deployments

It's easy to repeat a deployment operation. You can save a deployment operation as a task that can be executed with a single mouse click. If a deployment task fails on some machines, for example, because they were turned off, it is possible to repeat deployment only on those machine where the deployment was failed. Deployment can be initiated manually or by a schedule.

How to repeat deployment

Audit Installed Software

Get information about software installed on each remote machine. The program stores this information the centralized database, so you can review what is installed on machines and across entire organization. The collected inventory info can be used to filter targets of deployment operations, so the deployment is skipped if a software or a specific version is already installed.

How audit works

EMCO Remote Installer in Action

Software Inventory View
Software Bundles View
Configuring Deploy Packages
Customizing Deployments
Multi-Step Deployments
Configuring Deployment Targets
Using Deployment Filters
Using Collections
Tasks and Schedule View
Tracking Software Changes

How Software Deployment Works

Deploy a software automatically over a local network on the selected target machines by following a few simple steps using EMCO Remote Installer.

Test Silent Installation Options

The program deploys a software on multiple remote machines simultaneously, so the deployed installation have to work silently, with no user interaction. If the software installation is in EXE format, you have to check if it supports silent deployment and test its silent installation options. Run the installation manually in the silent mode and make sure it works.

Configure Deployment

In Remote Installer to need to specify the installation to be deployed. The program allows to deploy an installation stored locally. In this case it will be automatically copied to target machines during deployment. You can also deploy from a network share. After configuring the installation for EXE installers you need to specify silent deployment options tested on the previous step.

Specify Deployment Targets

Select machines where the installation should be deployed. The program allows you to select target machines manually or you can use dynamic targets. For dynamic targets you need to create a query that will be executed during the deployment, so the machines returned as query results will be used for deployment.

Run the Deployment Operation

You can run the configured deployment manually by pressing the button. In this case the deployment operation starts immediately on the configured target machines. Alternatively you can schedule the deployment operation for automatic execution on specified data/time. You can create a one-time schedule or repeated deployments.

Check Deployment Results

When the deployment operation is finished, you can review the deployment results. The results include the list of deployment targets and the status for each target. In case of the deployment errors you can get the detailed problem information, including installation log. It is possible to repeat the deployment task on machines where deployment was failed.

Test the Deployed Software

Finally, you can test the deployed software to make sure it works as expected. Run the deployed software on one of the target machines to check it. To repeat the same deployment in the future you can save software deployment configuration and target machines configuration, or you can export these configurations into the files and import them later.

EMCO MSI Package Builder Features

EXE/MSI/MSP Deployment

Deploy EXE installations, MSI packages and MSP patches remotely in the automatic mode on Windows machines connected to the local network. The software is deployed in parallel on the configured target machines, the software is deployed silently, with no user interaction.

Remote Uninstallation

Uninstall software, installed on remote machines. The program allows uninstalling a software from a single or multiple machines in parallel. Software uninstallation works automatically and silently, i.e. with no interaction with end-users.

BAT/CMD Execution

Run a BAT/CMD script remotely, on machines connected to the local network. It is possible to run a script on multiple machines in parallel. Executed scripts work silently, with no interaction with the end-users. Scripts are copied to target machines automatically.

Software Audit

Get detailed information about all software installed on each machine in the local network. The collected inventory info is aggregated, so for each software and version you get see the list of machines where it is installed. Software inventory info can be used to filter deployment targets.

Software Bundles

Create a bundle to save software deployment configuration. A bundle contains all deployment settings, including deployment type (deploy from a share or using a local installer), deployment parameters, etc. Created bundles can be used for quick configuration of deployment tasks.

Network Collections

Create a collection to save configuration about deployment targets. A collection stores a list of network machines, so you can combine it with a bundle to configure a deployment operation. A collection can include a list of target machines or a query reported the machines that satisfy entered criteria.

Deployment Tasks

Create a reusable configuration that allows to perform a deployment with a single mouse click. A task includes configuration of deployed software and target machines where the software should be deployed. It's possible to create a task for execution on demand or schedule the task for automatic execution.

Tasks Scheduler

Schedule a task for automatic execution on selected data/time. A scheduler in the program allows to schedule tasks for one-time execution or for recurrent execution, so you can create daily, weekly, monthly tasks. The scheduler allows edition, so you can change recurrent tasks to skip some occurrences.

Operating in Domains and Workgroups

The program allows deploying software on all machines connected to the local network. It supports complex network configurations, including multiple domains and workgroups. To deploy software remotely you only need to have administrative permissions on remote machines. No manual agent deployment is required.

Select the Program Edition

The program is available in multiple editions with the different set of the features.
Compare Editions

Free Edition
  • Remote software audit
  • Software deployment on 5 remote PCs
  • Remote deployment of 5 packages at a time

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Frequently Asked Questions

What happens after my 30-days trial end?

When you download the program, it works as a 30-days trial of the Professional edition of the program, so you can use the features available in the Professional edition. After the trial period expires, the program reverts to the Free edition. You can keep using the features available in the Free edition.

How to configure an EXE installer to run silently?

To deploy an EXE installation remotely it should be configured to deploy silently by specifying command-line options supported by the installation in EMCO Remote Installer. EXE installers use different silent installation parameters, so you need to contact the installation vendor or find this information in Internet. You have to test the silent installation parameters before deploying the installation through EMCO Remote Installer.

What is the difference between the program editions?

Different editions of the program provide support of the different set of the available features. You can compare the features on this page.

What are the limitations of the trial version?

Using a 30-days trial of the Professional edition of the program you can deploy a software on 25 remote machines at a time. E-mail notifications with deployment results contain trial marks in the footer.

How to customize an installation after deployment?

The program allows you to run pre/post-installation custom actions before/after remote software deployment. You can use this feature to update registry entries or run an executable file or a script on target machines before/after deployment. You can learn more about custom actions in this article.

What type of support do you provide?

We provide free technical support by e-mail. If you have a question or problem, you can submit a support request on this page.

Ready to get started?

Install a free, full-featured 30-days trial version and see how it works in your network environment.

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